I had the pleasure of fishing with Chip last year and I knew we were in for some fun. Chip managed a good number of fish during our last outing and we had high hopes again for this seemingly excellent day for Steelhead. Tim was on the hunt for his first fish to the net. He is a skilled trout angler and was excited for the chance at one these silver bullets.
Below is a picture of Tim with his first fish to the net. He had numerous hookups with fish charging right at him and then up the river, back down the river, slashing through the air trying to take Tim to school. With each hookup Tim gained experience and then success. He then went on to skillfully play numerous others. As you can see from the smiles, we were happy.
A Well Deserved Steelhead for Tim
Pictured below is Chip with his second or third fish. You can see how nice and fresh this fish is. Judging from the smile Chip was happy to get this one to the net. This one was on fire.
We hooked and netted a number of nice fresh steelhead this morning and all was well. Suddenly it went from good to GREAT when Chip raised his rod tip and then fly line turned into backing. My heart began to pound as I suspected something other than Steel. As Chip skillfully played the fish back into the ball park, I saw a roll and jump and it was Golden Brown. Now my heart pounding and nerves going to pot due to the size of this fish we put ourselves to the test. After what seemed like a life time we got this fish to the net. The fished was around 27 to 29 inches in length and more than 18" girth.
We have been getting a number of browns on the Steelhead Alley. If you are interested in having a chance at one of these give us a call. Of course we can also get you into first class steelhead fishing as well.
Contact us at
Big Fish to all of you,
Scott McClintock